Wednesday 1 May 2013

Weightloss Journey

Well I'm back - Figured I'd put this on into words.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with a Gluten & Dairy Allergy, not Celiac, but just allergies.  This was determined to be a heavy factor in my fight for a healthy lifestyle and the constant battle I had with weight.  There were other girl issues that have also seemed to fix them selves by watching my diet.
Not a Great Pic

I didn't focus to hard on the allergies, I watched what I ate and avoided Gluten & Dairy when I could.  Fast-Forward to September 2012.  I stepped on the scale at the beginning of the month, and burst into tears.  I knew my clothes weren't fitting and I had to keep buying the next size up, but I didn't know the number on the Scale.

That number was 280.  Now, I know a lot of friends and those close to me are always surprised when I reveal my weight, no one can ever believe it.  It's all proportionately distributed - It's not like I'm a Pear Shape, or Football Line-backer with huge shoulders and a narrow waste - I'm kind of a Rectangle - with extra weight around the mid-section.  This is my problem area.

So I decided I was going to focus on my weight-loss, I did not want to stay up at 280 that's for sure.  I started going back to the gym (a little bit) and really watching what I put in my mouth. It was so hard. I slowly saw progress. In a Month - I was down 8lbs. I was heading to Disneyland for Canadian Thanksgiving & Halloween Celebration.

8lbs down - LONG way to go.

I wasn't happy with the pictures I had from that holiday - but It was just the beginning.  This gave me more motivation to keep pushing - Get into the gym more, and keep watching my foods & eating habits.

In December, my parents & I traveled to Fiji for Christmas.  I wanted to be a lot smaller before that plane took off to the land of beach & sun, but I didn't dedicate myself and that didn't happen.  I was smaller, but not by much.  I went to Fiji, enjoyed the sun, surf, food & culture the country had too offer and came home.

New Years - Next hurdle - Alcohol.  Alcohol is not Calorie-Free (unfortunately). Now don't get me wrong - there are lower-calorie options, but it's really all in moderation.  That goes the same for diet.

I returned from Fiji just before New Years. I figured I'd step on the scale. Who actually looses weight over Christmas, let alone on Holidays? To my surprise I was down 10lbs from my October weigh-in. (Some may question what happened in November, Honestly can't tell you - I forgot to weigh-in)

10lbs more gone - I was stoked.  January 2013 was going to be a new beginning.  I thought "Great, New Year, New Birthday <Jan27>, New Decade <Turned 30>" This is going to be my year.  I thought however, I was headed to Vegas with a Girl-friend to celebrate my 30th, as well as cake and nice dinners for my actual Birthday I wouldn't dedicate myself until Jan28.

So I continued with portion control & light exercise for January and made a schedule starting January 28, 2013.  My goal is 1-2 lbs per week.  It's a healthy loss and easy to maintain.

April was a month I really started to notice some differences in how I looked and how I felt.  I have a huge confidence increase and even just 10lbs here or 26lbs - I know I look different, healthier & happier.

Here`s the other thing - People as my ALL THE TIME.  What Program are you on? What Diet are you doing?

Here's the simple answer:

I'm doing the "I don't want to be big" diet.  I work out at the gym 4-6 times a week.  No Set Routine - Some Free Weights, 45- 60 minute classes, Zumba, Circuit or just straight Cardio.

I use MyFitnessPal App on iPhone.  This has helped me log my calorie intake.  I don't count them, but I do watch them.  Makes you think twice about that quick fix Snickers Peanut Butter - 250cals. (Portion, I split that indulgent treat over 2 days - and went to the gym both days)

If you really don't feel like hitting the gym - Go home, put on your running shoes & go walk around your neighborhood for an hour.  Find a motivation buddy, or a way to hold yourself accountable for your progress & actions.

Stay Motivated!

Starting Weight: 280lbs
Goal Weight: 180lb

Short Term Goal - 50lbs Down by July 1

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