Monday 20 October 2014

Do you have something similar to "Orange Pekoe"...

Today we're going to discuss Black Tea...

I consider this a staple in my house, The Black Tea always feels like a great strong substitute in the morning to a cuppa coffee.  I often get the question of "What's like Orange Pekoe" or something "along the lines of a 'Plain Black Tea'"

These questions/comments are so common I figured I'd touch base on a few basics of Black Tea.

D – Dust
F- Fannings
OP – Orange Pekoe
BFOP – Broken Flowery Orange Pekoe
TGFOF – Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Fannings
FTGFOP – Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe

Irish Breakfast - 1031/1032
Now, if you notice here, the "Orange Pekoe" doesn't show you the flavours, it's actually part of the Tea Leaf Grading System.  Similar to not finding a California Roll in a Sushi Restaurant in Japan, you won’t find the Chinese aware of the "Orange Pekoe" grading as it's used more in Sri Lanka, India and more Western Cultures.

All our Teas, with Steeped Tea are graded at high quality & levels and come from some amazing Farms around the world. When someone asks me about "Orange Pekoe" I always confirm they are referring to a Lipton's Red Rose or Twinnings Orange Pekoe, That being said we have two.  Our Irish Breakfast & English Breakfast are the perfect “Plain Black Teas.  Irish Breakfast is a popular tea and is full bodied and loved by tea drinkers everywhere.  English Breakfast is a classic breakfast tea is fresh, full and flavorful. Traditionally served with milk.

Mango Blossom - 1401/1402
Brewing your Black Tea
The rule of thumb when brewing black tea is a teaspoon of leaves per 8oz cup of water. Individual tea cups or larger teapots are both easily used. Boiling water and brew times of 3 to 5 minutes are fairly standard. Darjeeling teas are sometimes brewed a bit lower, with water around 195 degrees. The longer a black tea is steeped the more bitter it will taste. This is because hot water triggers the release of tannins. This causes the same dry, mouth puckering feeling you might get from a strong red wine. Milk and sugar are of course optional.

Egg Noggin' Black Tea Ornament
Now – Would you like to try something a little different to your “Plain Black Tea”, What about some flavours.  By adding a fruit oil or flower essence the flavour of your tea will change.  We have many blends of Black Tea, some specific to the Holidays, some for everyday enjoyment.  What about a Mango Blossom Black Tea – Mango and orange blossom in your cup with soft floral notes in a bold fruity blend sure to lighten any afternoon tea.  

Looking for something for the Holidays? A delightful treat without all the Calories – Our Egg Noggin’ tea is one to savor the sweet flavor of this traditional drink without worrying about the calories.

Hope you enjoyed a little run down on Black Tea...If you have any questions or would like more information on our Blends please contact me directly, send a message on facebook ( or comment below.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Back with a Purpose...

Well here we go...I'm Back!

Remember when I mentioned I am horrible at updating blogs and following through on projects - Well here is an attempt to start something new in project land.  Since Joining Steeped Tea as an Independent Consultant - I have had the awesome opportunity to share these wonderful, pesticide free, fine loose teas & premium accessories with friends & family across the Country.

I am currently in the process of re-branding a little bit I've come to like "Tea by Ashleigh" more than Tea by Ashi - So without a complete shock I will slowly start converting to the new Label of Tea by Ashleigh.  I will also start to blog about my favorite teas and new products we may come across at Steeped Tea.  I am also going to work on a new Video Blog to feature some parties, top-selling products and learning experiences related to Tea!

Last Week I had the awesome opportunity to meet the Founder of Steeped Tea in her first Event in the Lower Mainland.  It was a pleasure & honor to assist in the organization of the event and was even a little 'star-struck' when I met her.  Tonia is such a wonderful & personable woman.  Strong in what she stands behind and the teams supporting her dreams.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Weightloss Journey

Well I'm back - Figured I'd put this on into words.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with a Gluten & Dairy Allergy, not Celiac, but just allergies.  This was determined to be a heavy factor in my fight for a healthy lifestyle and the constant battle I had with weight.  There were other girl issues that have also seemed to fix them selves by watching my diet.
Not a Great Pic

I didn't focus to hard on the allergies, I watched what I ate and avoided Gluten & Dairy when I could.  Fast-Forward to September 2012.  I stepped on the scale at the beginning of the month, and burst into tears.  I knew my clothes weren't fitting and I had to keep buying the next size up, but I didn't know the number on the Scale.

That number was 280.  Now, I know a lot of friends and those close to me are always surprised when I reveal my weight, no one can ever believe it.  It's all proportionately distributed - It's not like I'm a Pear Shape, or Football Line-backer with huge shoulders and a narrow waste - I'm kind of a Rectangle - with extra weight around the mid-section.  This is my problem area.

So I decided I was going to focus on my weight-loss, I did not want to stay up at 280 that's for sure.  I started going back to the gym (a little bit) and really watching what I put in my mouth. It was so hard. I slowly saw progress. In a Month - I was down 8lbs. I was heading to Disneyland for Canadian Thanksgiving & Halloween Celebration.

8lbs down - LONG way to go.

I wasn't happy with the pictures I had from that holiday - but It was just the beginning.  This gave me more motivation to keep pushing - Get into the gym more, and keep watching my foods & eating habits.

In December, my parents & I traveled to Fiji for Christmas.  I wanted to be a lot smaller before that plane took off to the land of beach & sun, but I didn't dedicate myself and that didn't happen.  I was smaller, but not by much.  I went to Fiji, enjoyed the sun, surf, food & culture the country had too offer and came home.

New Years - Next hurdle - Alcohol.  Alcohol is not Calorie-Free (unfortunately). Now don't get me wrong - there are lower-calorie options, but it's really all in moderation.  That goes the same for diet.

I returned from Fiji just before New Years. I figured I'd step on the scale. Who actually looses weight over Christmas, let alone on Holidays? To my surprise I was down 10lbs from my October weigh-in. (Some may question what happened in November, Honestly can't tell you - I forgot to weigh-in)

10lbs more gone - I was stoked.  January 2013 was going to be a new beginning.  I thought "Great, New Year, New Birthday <Jan27>, New Decade <Turned 30>" This is going to be my year.  I thought however, I was headed to Vegas with a Girl-friend to celebrate my 30th, as well as cake and nice dinners for my actual Birthday I wouldn't dedicate myself until Jan28.

So I continued with portion control & light exercise for January and made a schedule starting January 28, 2013.  My goal is 1-2 lbs per week.  It's a healthy loss and easy to maintain.

April was a month I really started to notice some differences in how I looked and how I felt.  I have a huge confidence increase and even just 10lbs here or 26lbs - I know I look different, healthier & happier.

Here`s the other thing - People as my ALL THE TIME.  What Program are you on? What Diet are you doing?

Here's the simple answer:

I'm doing the "I don't want to be big" diet.  I work out at the gym 4-6 times a week.  No Set Routine - Some Free Weights, 45- 60 minute classes, Zumba, Circuit or just straight Cardio.

I use MyFitnessPal App on iPhone.  This has helped me log my calorie intake.  I don't count them, but I do watch them.  Makes you think twice about that quick fix Snickers Peanut Butter - 250cals. (Portion, I split that indulgent treat over 2 days - and went to the gym both days)

If you really don't feel like hitting the gym - Go home, put on your running shoes & go walk around your neighborhood for an hour.  Find a motivation buddy, or a way to hold yourself accountable for your progress & actions.

Stay Motivated!

Starting Weight: 280lbs
Goal Weight: 180lb

Short Term Goal - 50lbs Down by July 1

Wednesday 4 July 2012


See? What did I tell ya - I'm horrible at updating my blog.

What's new - Well I've slowed down on the couponing - it's really just taking up WAY too much time. Time for other stuff - Time to ENJOY Life and do what I want.
Business is going well - I love Passion Parties for what it offers me.
Passion Parties or check out my Facebook Page.

Did I ever tell you about any of the communities I'm apart of?
SuperPoints - Click a Button - Redeem for Gift Cards
Swagbucks - A simple search provider where you collect points for searches - Redeem for Gift Cards (I like doubling up on my cards)
There's also LikeNet SoftCorp Media Victoria | Web Design, Social Media and More where they offer opportunites for points in which they cash out for Cash. My Refferal Link is Here.

Oh Free Kitchen Apron -

Wagjag -

I hope you can all take a look and see if any of these are right for you - and don't hesitate to ask me any questions about them.

Happy 4th of July!


Friday 4 May 2012


It's Friday - This week, I don't know...

I can't decide if it went fast or slow - all I DO know is that Monday seems so far away.

Everyone have a Great weekend! Be Safe


Wednesday 2 May 2012

*Rant* The Coupon Life...

...This post is in no way directed at anyone in particular, but it will definitely be a bit of a rant...
If you'd like to ask couponing questions I will answer as best as I can!

Extreme Couponers in Canada?
So many of my friends say, well you can't coupon like they do on the TV Show Extreme Couponing. And for the most part that is DEFINITELY true. (no questions asked) However there are some people who take advantage, abuse and cheat companies/stores out of money and products.  These same people then go on to 'brag' or display their shops on Public Forums, whether it be Facebook, Twitter or their Personal Online Blog.  They will also SELL their services for collecting/stealing mass amounts of coupons or "teaching people HOW to coupon".

Really? Don't you get Coupons, and take them to the store to purchase the corresponding items?
OH You mean, TEACH people how to "take advantage, abuse and cheat companies/stores out of money and products"
Some of my Better Shops
All this for Approx $50
 Now lets roll back the clock.
A friend of mine, was expecting her first baby and was looking at costs of Diapers, Food, Toiletries and all the other day-to-day necessities, and well, it simply added up.  Found couponing and in no time had built a stock pile of diapers, toilet paper and toiletries to last her probably about 6 months.  The money she saved doing so was amazing...a few thousand dollars saved in probably 3 months time.  I was amazed, thought WOW that's impressive.  Then started thinking. I'm single w/ two cats, WHY do I need to stock pile that much, I don't need to coupon, I don't need this stuff.  She slowly started to teach me some tricks & trades and bam - I was Hooked.
I don't not have huge stockpiles of items, but don't get me wrong I love my coupons, and love shopping for those great specials and deals.
This was another Successful Shop
All this for Approx $40

My Rules:

  1. Be Generous - If I don't need the item, but have coupons & see a deal I will help out others. Or even "Coupon Fairy" - What's that? Leave a Coupon next to an item at the store.
  2. Don't be competitive - Really? I'm not going to horde a deal/coupon or special.  It's not HOW many toothbrushes you have, or How much did you save on an item.  If I see a deal, I will purchase, if someone saved more money than I did, or didn't save as much.  Oh well.
  3. Follow the Rules - A savings is a savings.  This could be $1 off an Item or $10 off an item. Some Stores allow "stacking" (use of more than one coupon) but if your store doesn't - don't FIGHT over it.  Yes, companies are changing the wording on the coupons to prevent this, however, if your store says no, don't have a cow.  Maybe find a store that will allow you do stack or take one coupon and still save money.
  4. Kind of like a Buffet - Take what you Need, Use what you take - Coveted Coupons.  Some coupons don't restrict on size of an item, so you can buy a small bottle (travel size) and possible make some money on the item, or pay a very small amount (taxes).  But don't take a whole stack of coupons in order to gain from them. Holding coupons as ransom is a little ridiculous.
  5. If you miss a deal/special/give-away - DON'T whine & complain about it.  Oh well, move on. The companies don't have to give away freebies.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not anti-couponing. I'm anti-greedy/whiney couponers.
I have a little stock-pile of my products that I use on regular basis, some products I definitely did get for Free/or Just paid the Tax on. I am open to reasonable offers for Trades but try and scam me? Oh Karma's a Bitch and she'll look after you and your couponing!

Being an Admin of some Facebook Couponing Groups definitely offers up some daily challenges.  Pretty simple 
  • Read the Information provided before asking questions.
  • Read the Rules we have in place to protect out members.
  • If you don't follow the rules - you'll get the boot - no explanation needed.
Thank you for my Rant - 

May post again later to ensure positivity!


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Travels to the Island

Well, where to start. (See? Told you I'm not that good at this stuff)

On Thursday I took a 1/2 day at work and traveled over to Victoria - this was mainly a pleasure (mini-vacation) trip.  It was perfect, just what I needed.  I arrived in Victoria to find out that Gas is about $0.10 cents cheaper than in Surrey/Delta. So, Filled up Roxy, and continued on with my journeys.
Now for those that may not know, I actually grew-up in Victoria (Age 2-12). So staying at my childhood home for the weekend was a little strange, but not TOO bad.  I was actually going to move back about 6 or 7 years ago, so this trip was to also bring back/organize the stuff I had left there.

Quite the Selection
A Couple Key Points:
  • Lets just say, LOTS of clothes to Donation
  • Not a whole heck of a lot has changed on the street I grew up on in 17 years
  • When I was 7yrs old and chose my Wall Paper? WHAT was I thinking? 
  • Victoria is all still pretty laid back, but trying to grow.
Well Victoria was wonderful.  Wasn't quite sure what to do on the Rainy Thursday afternoon, so I went for a drive since I hadn't been down and around town in years.  I drove through Beacon Hill Park, which my dad and I used to ride our bikes through every weekend.  Hasn't changed much, but it was nice to relive some memories.  Had to take a couple pictures along the way.  

I spent a great night catching up with a good friend I met back when I worked for Disney in Florida, Sass.  I hadn't visited with her in about 2 years.  So much to catch up on it was nice. On the Friday, we took Roxy up to Sooke Potholes - Was a fun little adventure.
While I was driving around Victoria I decided to drive up to the top of Mount Tolmie Park, I have so many memories from Running/Walking up it as a kid for Cross Country and Riding/walking my Bike up it with friends on the weekends to Those nights when I was older and we'd drive up to the top when there were Meteor Showers. Now see Mount Tolmie for any of you that do not know Victoria, is not THAT tall, it's just one of those 'landmarks' that we all know, and has a nice view of Victoria.  Also fun to watch all the traffic from since it's not very high up, you can see almost everything.

*Back track* Friday Morning, I met up with a friend from Elementary School who was living on the Mainland (and we had lost touch) but connect again when I visit the Island.  We went for Breakfast to a sweet little Cafe on Fort St.  The Blue Fox Cafe - Was VERY tasty breakfast.  It seemed they were using fresh local ingredients and had a few selections of jams.  Neither of us complained so the food must have been good.  Service was a bit slow but as my friend mentioned, they are ALWAYS busy. 
A little Self Portrait on Mt. Tolmie
2 Thumbs Up - Blue Fox Cafe (919 Fort St, Victoria)

**Side Bar**  PicMix - It's an App I found on my Blackberry - I was always jealous of my friends with iPhones for their Instagram or other Photo Apps in which you could make collage pictures.  PicMix is a decent app - has some nice layout options, but SO slow. As us Blackberry people know - our Photo Albums can be a bit odd, and we may not always have them organised into different folders, so scrolling through all your camera pictures can definitely take some time, and in doing so does drain the battery faster. BUT All-in-All - I Love PicMix and would recommend it to anyone. 
4 Stars - PicMix on Blackberry

Back to your Scheduled Blogging...
Cuddles w/ Jaxx - The Boston Terrier who's
not "Too Cool" for Hugs & Cuddles.
Saturday Morning I traveled up island to Countenay - This was to visit a friend and meet my birth father.  The drive up was lovely.  Sunny & Warm but still a bit chilly to take the roof off Roxy. But there were many points in the drive where the windows were down.  Once I reached the Island Highway, just North of Nanaimo, that's when it HIT - ALL The Bugs when you're travelling at 110km/hr - They don't have a chance against the front of the Jeep & the Windshield.  There were a few fatalities along the route, but thank goodness it was only the 6-legged insects and not the 4-legged wildlife that the caution signs kept warning me about. 
So I got to visit with my friend and her two boys - Man - Boys grow up fast.  I hadn't seen them in 4 yrs or so, and they went from the fun-loving little terrors to the "Almost" Teenagers, "Too Cool" to give Aunty a hug. Sheesh. We went up to Campbell River for a quick visit at a Birthday Party and then Back down to Courtenay. 
I went for dinner to meet my Birth Father - it was a wonderful experience.  There was the nervous/anxious waiting for my Birth Father to arrive, and then he showed up, and it was actually really cool.  It was really neat to have a conversation with someone you've never met, but they are so similar and have similar likes as you.  Apparently I look a little like his sisters.  I also got to find out more about his family and that I have a couple 1/2 siblings and hope to meet them this summer at some point.  

Sunday morning I traveled home from Nanaimo and that brings us to the Work Week.  I have some Coupons to go through and some FPC (Free Product Coupons) to use, so expect some product reviews soon.
What's Up for this week:

  • Aquafit
  • BellyDance Workshop
  • Maybe some Beach Action this weekend (if this rain goes away)
Until Later:
Take Care of Yourself - You Create your own Destiny!